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Chosenness and the Resurgence of the Blight of Judeophobia

The third installment in Rabbi Seltzer’s series on Chosenness, this talk will include a conversation on whether and how Christian and Muslim assertions of Chosenness are implicated in the current hatred of Jews as well as whether and why Judeophobia may be a more accurate term than antisemitism to describe this phenomenon.

Recently retired after 12 years as the Rabbi of Congregation Bnai Midbar of Saddlebrooke, Rabbi Seltzer currently teaches Zohar under the auspices of the Jewish Life Long Learning Program of Congregation Kol Ami. He has also been a participant in the series of public seminar entitled Toward An Abrahamic Family Reunion sponsored by the Institute Of Religion and Culture at the University of Arizona. Prior to coming to Tucson, he served as the Associate Dean of the Hebrew College Rabbinical School and Director of The Interreligious Center On Public Life. Also as a staff member of the Union For Reform Judaism as the first Director of the Commission on Reform Jewish Outreach and the founder of the Department of Jewish Family Concerns. His articles have appeared in a variety of journals including Judaism, The Reform Jewish Quarterly and The Journal Of Ecumenical Studies. He is the author of Jews and Non-Jews Falling In Love, Jews and Non-Jews Getting Married. Also, When There Is No Other Alternative, A Spiritual Guide For Jewish Couples Contemplating Divorce. He is the co-editor of Leaders of Reform Judaism and The Death of Dialogue And Beyond.

This event is free but registration is required.



Tucson Jewish Museum
& Holocaust Center

564 S. Stone Ave

Tucson, AZ. 85701

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