TJMHC Launches New Initiative
The Rabbi Joseph H. Gumbiner Project supports interfaith and intergroup collaborations that uphold the fourth pillar of the Museum’s mission: “Collaborating with Tucson’s diverse community to promote human rights.” The project is inspired by the legacy of Rabbi Joseph H. Gumbiner, z”l, who led Temple Emanuel from 1942 – 1948, during the time that the congregation inhabited our space at 564 S. Stone Ave.

2025 Queen Esther Award
The Queen Esther Award is given annually to an individual who works diligently, often behind the scenes, to make our community safer, stronger, and more peaceful place for all.
At the 2025 Purim Pioneer Ball we will recognize…

JCRC Visits Nogales, Sonora
JCRC Director, Lynn Davis, was invited to participate in an all-day tour in Nogales with folks from Santa Cruz Valley United Methodist Church and Border Community Alliance (BCA), a Tubac-based nonprofit dedicated to bridging the border and fostering community through education, collaboration and cultural exchange. BCA works closely with the Fundación Empresariado Sonorense A.C. (FESAC), a Mexican community foundation that focuses on community development in the border region.