Peace and Comfort

From the Desk of Lori Shepherd

As this very long and trying week draws to a close, we look back on these days to see anxious hours filled with fear and worry and also on events that brought us together in hope and community. Here at Tucson Jewish Museum & Holocaust Center, we continue our work to educate and collaborate with our community while our hearts and minds are with friends, family, and colleagues at home and abroad.

While we know that a new and uncertain future will continue to unfold before us, one thing will remain steadfast – TJMHC’s mission to use history to create a more just world and peaceful future. Our fight against antisemitism and hate is resolute.

Like all of you, we continue to stand in solidarity with Israel and pray for peace and comfort for all during these challenging times.

Shabbat Shalom,
Lori Shepherd
TJMHC Executive Director


New Year’s Resolutions


Building State-Level Resistance to Political Violence