
Using history to build a more just tomorrow.

Tucson Jewish Museum & Holocaust Center holds steadfast to our multi-faceted mission of educating about the Holocaust and other genocides, exploring the legacy of Jewish experiences in Southern Arizona, preserving the first synagogue in the Arizona Territory, and collaborating with Tucson’s diverse community to promote human rights

TJMHC has a vision to promote a more just, equitable and non-violent world by educating visitors on how to apply the lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides to contemporary life. We do this by living our values of Remembrance (zachor), Justice (tzedek), Honor (khavod), Community (kehillah), and Learning (limmud).

TJMHC keeps the past alive and forges a better future by bringing high-quality educational programming, engaging curatorial content, and powerful cultural offerings to the entire Southern Arizona community.

Our mission:

Educating about the Holocaust and other genocides

Exploring the legacy of Jewish experiences in Southern Arizona

Preserving the first synagogue built in the Arizona Territory

Collaborating with Tucson's diverse community to promote human rights

564 S Stone Avenue,
Tucson, AZ 85701

(520) 670-9073

Wednesday - Sunday
1 pm- 5 pm

All visits must begin no later than 4:30 p.m.

Monday - Tuesday



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